- Ravenea rivularis majestic Palm
- Common name: Majestic Palm or Majesty Palm
- Family: Arecaceae
- Native to Madagascar/Africa
- Height: 10 – 30 Feet in the wild, up to 6 metres wide base
- Self-cleaning; drops old fronds
- Fertilise with slow-release palm fertiliser twice a year
- Hardy in the wild, can tolerate some colder temperatures
- Likes full sun to part shade
- Well-draining soil, peat, acidic
- Popular tropical landscape tree with bright green fronds
Indoor plant
- Slow grower, up to 10 feet. Spray with warm water; likes humidity
- Keep pot moist in spring and summer; brown leaves are a sign it is too dry. Don’t overwater – yellowing leaves
- Likes indirect light
- For insect infestation, eg mealy bug, treat with Insecticidal soap spray
- Fertilise indoor plants with magnesium-rich, calcium palm fertiliser every 3-4 months
- Prune old brown fronds/leaves close to the base. Don’t prune leaves with green on them
- Soak seeds in water for 24-48 hours
- Fill a pot with a light seed-raising mix, eg ⅔ peat moss, ⅓ perlite
- Push seeds just under the surface
- Keep moist and cover with glad wrap
- Place pot in a warm position, but not in full sun
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